Secluded? What the freak? You may feel that way; however, you are never truly alone in today's connected world.
TEMPORARY home for Odyssey of the Mind fundraising event schedule/calendar
South Middle School teams have until June to raise $650/student to attend World Finals. Our team goal: $3900.
April 22 -
April 23 -
April 24 -
April 25 -
April 26 -
April 27 -
April 28 -
April 29 -
April 30 -
May 1 -
May 2 -
May 3 -
May 4 -
May 5 -
May 6 -
May 7 -
May 8-
May 9 -
May 10 -
This blog started when states required buildings close; public schools were directed to switch to online delivery of instruction until further notice. Restaurants, theaters, and other places where people gather followed suit. We have recently learned phrases like "social distancing" and "flatten the curve." These circumstances can easily present or cause even more loneliness. This blog (or journal) is an attempt to share something positive during a time of seclusion. Let's strive for a positive effect on young peoples' lives.